One dictionary definition of Craftsman is: "A person who practices a craft with great skill; a professional whose work is consistently of high quality". That is my goal in everything that I do.

Whether I am building a one of a kind object, simply making some repairs or doing a small job for a client, I have found, and advise that better materials and workmanship make for a better product. Although in some cases quality materials are a bit more costly, when combined with skilled workmanship, in the long run the results can be less expensive and more cost effective over the life of the result.

I have found this to be true in general, and with all of the trades that I practice and that are related. Carpentry, finishing, staining, painting, wall-covering and any of the crafts for the home or workplace.


What I do ::

Carpentry of all kinds, Interior and Exterior

From Rough Framing to Furniture Quality Details. Do you have an idea? Talk to me about it. See the Photo Gallery for examples.

Veneer, Laminates, Formica, Metal-Mica and more...

Displays, Cabinets, Counters and more. I can work with a wide array of materials. Do you want something unique and one of a kind? Contact me to discuss your project.

Painting: Interior and Exterior

Brush and Roller as well as Spray. Meticulous attention to details. Prep work done right so that the finish is right.

Staining, Finishing and Faux

Due to changes in Environmental Law, many paints and finishes have been reformulated or replaced, especially here in Southern California. I work with a wide variety of products to achieve the best results possible. As well, I do Faux Finishing and texturing.


Paper, Vinyl, Grass-cloth, Foils, Commercial width, trimmed and un-trimmed, as well as unusual materials.

Handy Man

Just about anything. Just Ask me. No Job is too small.

Having worked in both in "real world" construction and the entertainment industry for many years, I have been able to apply all of the skills that are used in conceiving, designing and building.

When applicable or necessary, I create and work from 3 Dimensional Computer Concept drawings and CAD (Computer Assisted Drafting) to get a project started for approval before beginning work. 3D Conceptual renderings help a client visualize what something will look like before it is actually built. See an example of a a 3D Concept Rendering and the finished product here.

Often, I will work with architects and interior designers as well as individual homeowners to accomplish the vision of a completed project for the client. Since the 1970's I have worked in fine homes, rental properties, businesses and the entertainment industry. I have worked for residential and government contractors, designers and individuals on projects large and small.







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